The evaluation was held in executive session as allowed by law, and took about three hours as City Council met with Antuna to discuss certain concerns, pros and cons of his performance since last being evaluated.
Once back in open session, Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas opened up the evaluation item where Councilwoman Elias Diaz motioned to move forward with certain instructions agreed upon in executive session.
No more details were given regarding the matter.
George Antuna began his employment with the City on March 4, 2019.
During his tenure, he has been evaluated several times, with the most recent one taking place back in March 2021.
Back then he was given a positive evaluation but City Council members had pointed out several items of concern that they requested be addressed.
By the newest evaluation it seems that those concerns were addressed.
Mr. Antuna is looking forward to continuing working with the City of Eagle Pass including numerous capital improvement projects coming up in the near future.
Antuna is currently making approximately $146,000 a year for his services.