Eso eleva el número total de casos notificados a 11.178.
Ha habido otra muerte, llevando el número a 366.
Actualmente hay 248 casos activos de Covid-19 en el condado de Maverick.
Las autoridades instan a los residentes a vacunarse si aún no lo han hecho.
También se le pide que use una mascarilla, se lave las manos con frecuencia y practique medidas seguras de distanciamiento social.
Actualmente, los funcionarios están analizando la cantidad de casos para determinar qué sigue, incluida la apertura del Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia una vez más.
73 New Positive Covid-19 Cases and 1 Death Reported
The Texas Department of State Health Services reported 73 new Covid-19 Virus cases in Maverick County on Tuesday, August 10.
That brings the total number of cases reported to 11,178.
There has been another death, taking the number to 366.
There are currently 248 active Covid-19 cases in Maverick County.
Officials are urging residents to get vaccinated if you have not yet done so.
You are also asked to wear a face mask, wash your hands often and practice safe social distancing measures.
Officials are currently looking at the number of cases to determine what is next, including the opening of the Emergency Operation Center once again.