En total, habrá 13 centros de votación en toda la comunidad para que los votantes emitan su voto en esta elección crucial.
Hay un total de 33,050 personas registradas para votar y aquellos que aún no han votado están invitados a participar en el proceso de votación, ya que no solo es un privilegio, sino un deber.
Los lugares de elección para todos los distritos son los siguientes:
El Precinto 1A votará en el Salón de Colores ubicado en 2055 Williams St.
Precinto 1B en la Primaria Graves ubicada en 720 Kelso Dr.
Precinto 1C en Memorial Junior High School en 1800 Lewis St.
El Precinto 2A votará en la Escuela Primaria Benavides Heights ubicada en 1750 A Mesa Dr.
Precinto 2B en la Escuela Primaria San Luis en 2090 Williams St.
Precinto 2C en la Escuela Primaria Rosita Valley en 735 Rosita Valley Rd.
Precinto 2D en el Centro Comunitario El Indio ubicado en 115 West Texas St.
El distrito electoral 3A votará en la escuela primaria Nellie Mae Glass ubicada en 1501 Boehmer Ave.
Precinto 3B en la escuela primaria Seco Mines en 2900 Diaz St.
Precinto 3C en el Centro Comunitario Quemado ubicado en 20160 US Hwy 277.
El Precinto 4A votará en el Palacio de Justicia del Condado de Maverick ubicado en 500 Quarry St.
Precinto 4B y 4 C en el Salón Parroquial de San José en 800 Comal St, y
Precinto 4D en la escuela primaria Henry B. Gonzalez ubicada en 400 Balcones Blvd.
Election Day sites have been announced
The 2020 Presidential Election is a few days away and the voting polls for that day have been established.
In total there will be 13 polling sites across the community for voters to cast their vote in this very crucial election.
There is a total of 33,050 people registered to vote and those who have yet to vote are invited to participate in the voting process as it’s not only a privilege, but a duty.
Election sites for all precincts are as follows:
Precinct 1A will vote at Salon de Colores located at 2055 Williams St.
Precinct 1B at the Graves Elementary located at 720 Kelso Dr.
Precinct 1C at Memorial Junior High School at 1800 Lewis St.
Precinct 2A will vote at Benavides Heights Elementary School located at 1750 A Mesa Dr.
Precinct 2B at San Luis Elementary School at 2090 Williams St.
Precinct 2C at Rosita Valley Elementary School at 735 Rosita Valley Rd.
Precinct 2D at the El Indio Community Center located at 115 West Texas St.
Precinct 3A will vote at Nellie Mae Glass Elementary School located at 1501 Boehmer Ave.
Precinct 3B at Seco Mines Elementary School at 2900 Diaz St.
Precinct 3C at the Quemado Community Center located at 20160 US Hwy 277.
Precinct 4A will vote at the Maverick County Courthouse located at 500 Quarry St.
Precinct 4B and 4 C at the St Joseph Parish Hall at 800 Comal St, and
Precinct 4D at Henry B. Gonzalez Elementary located at 400 Balcones Blvd.