Todavía hay 416 resultados de pruebas pendientes. Coordinador de emergencias del condado de Maverick Polo Vielma y PAC Denise Nemeth también anunció durante una sesión informativa que 20 personas se han recuperado.
Los funcionarios le piden a la comunidad que continúe practicando todas las medidas restrictivas, incluido el lavado de manos con frecuencia y el uso de una máscara facial.
Maverick County now has 105 positive cases of Covid 19
Maverick County as of Tuesday, May 26, 2020, has 105 positive cases of COVID-19. Officials reported that up to now there have been 1,943 tests conducted with 1,422 negative results. There are still 416 test results pending.
Maverick County Emergency Coordinator Polo Vielma and P-AC Denise Nemeth also announced during a briefing that 20 people have recovered.
Officials do ask the community to continue practicing all restrictionary measures including the washing of hands frequently and wearing of a face mask.