El superintendente delEPISD, Samuel Mijares,informó que los padres de unniño de educación especialpresentaron una queja queafirma que el conductor actuócontra el niño de manera abusiva.
La Investigación estásiendo manejada por elDepartamento del Sheriff delCondado de Maverick encooperación con el EPISD.Mijares también agregóque la evidencia en video estádisponible y será revisada porlas Autoridades.
El Distrito Escolar esperaráuna determinación de laInvestigación antes de tomarcualquier tipo de acción contrael conductor.
Dependiendo de lo que seencuentre en las imágenes devigilancia, el conductorpodría enfrentar cargos criminales.
EPISD bus driver bring Investigated
for abusive misconduct against
Special needs Child
The Eagle Pass Independent School District is investigating one of their bus drivers after a misconduct complaint was filed against him.
EPISD Superintendent Samuel Mijares reported that a complaint was filed by the parents of a special education child which claims that the driver acted out against the child in an abusive manner.
The Investigation is being handled by the Maverick County Sheriff's Department in cooperation from the EPISD.
Mijares also added that video evidence is available and will be reviewed by Authorities.
The School District will wait for a determination from the Investigation before they take any type of action against the driver.
Depending on what is found in the surveillance footage the driver could face criminal charges.