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Earned Income Credit awareness & VITA kick off press conference

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The Maverick County VITA coalition held a press conference on Wednesday at the Workforce Solutions Center located at 1200 Ferry St. IRS staff were present to kick off the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program for this year. In addition, they provided information on the Earned Income Credit (EIC) since this week is designated as Earned Income Credit Awareness week. Juan Carrizales, IRS Representative was on hand to inform all local residents who had less than $50,000.00 of income in 2012 to take advantage of this program from 5:30-8:30 P.M. at the Middle Rio Grande offices and as well as at the Kickapoo Reservation.

VITA has volunteers and offices across the country and assist citizens in many languages including Spanish. You may also be able to file electronically this year, so if you qualify, please come by the Workforce Center to take advantage of this service. Alberto Faz, of the Texas Workforce Center and Michelle Garcia, VITA Representative were both present at the conference. Garcia reminds citizens that the program runs through April. The public can take advantage now and get their 2012 income tax return prepared for FREE and also can take advantage of the different credits available to tax payers even if they are not required to file.

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