David Venegas

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Maverick County Budget Tax-Increase Approved

Saturday, 29 September 2012 15:06 Published in September 2012

A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


At a Special Meeting held on Thursday, September 28th, Commissioner's Court spent some time deliberating several key issues on the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2013 before putting it to a vote. New County Auditor Fidencio Ortiz was on hand to answer any questions relating to the final copy of the budget as was his staff which included Assistant Auditor Karla Mazuka. Commissioner of Pct. 1 Eliaz Maldonado began the commentary questioning his designated fuel allotment for the year.

Another Lucky Winner takes the Ford F-150 at the KLEC!

Saturday, 29 September 2012 15:04 Published in September 2012

Rosa Velasquez of San Antonio is the latest winner in the Great Texas Truck Giveaway promotion at the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino. Her and her husband Miguel were not even planning on being here and even thought of not coming as Mrs. Velasquez was the first name drawn from the hopper. The Velasquez’ drove back to the Alamo City in style in the $33,000.00 Burnt Orange F-150 Ford truck. Melissa Hernandez, Marketing Manager, handed over the keys. The KLEC reminds everyone that the winning is bigger in Texas at the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino!

El Consulado de México en Eagle Pass informó que el martes, 25 de septiembre, personal del Sheriff del Condado de Dimmit, informó sobre el hallazgo de restos sin vida de un hombre en las inmediaciones del Rancho Briscoe sobre FM 1916, en la Ciudad de Carrizo Springs, Texas, aproximadamente al mediodía. El cuerpo pertenece al sexo masculino aproximadamente de 1.55 – 1.65 m de estatura. No se encontró ninguna identificación y portaba únicamente unos tenis de color negro marca Nike. A la escena acudió la Juez de Paz Sonia Mendoza quien pronuncio la causa del fallecimiento por deshidratación. La juez ordeno se hiciera una prueba de ADN para su identificación. El levantamiento del cuerpo fue realizado por la funeraria Leonard Funeral Home y será trasladado al forense del Condado de Web para realizarle los estudios y determinar las causas de su muerte. Cualquier dato que pudiera facilitar la identificación de esta persona puede reportarse al Consulado de México al 830 773-9255.

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