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David Venegas

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La administración de la ciudad de Eagle Pass dio a conocer que Marga Lopez presentó su carta de renuncia al cargo de Director del Sistema de Puentes Internacionales donde ha laborado por varios años. Desde hace mas de una semana presentó su carta de renuncia la cual le fue aceptada y se tiene previsto que su ultimo día de trabajo en ese departamento será el 18 de diciembre. Marga Lopez tiene una trayectoria de casi 7 años trabajando para la ciudad, ingreso a trabajar en el Departamento de desarrollo Económico de la ciudad durante la administración del Mayor Chad Foster, después fue Gerenta interina de la ciudad y luego, en el 2007, fue nombrada directora del Sistema de Puentes Internacionales durante la administración del gerente Glen Starnes. Gloria Barrientos, que ocupa de manera interina el cargo de Gerente de la ciudad de Eagle Pass, informó que Mario Diaz, que trabaja en el departamento de Finanzas de la ciudad ha sido nombrado para ocupar el cargo en lugar de Marga Lopez. Mario Diaz es actualmente director interino del Departamento de Finanzas y había aplicado al cargo de Director para ese departamento pero retiró su aplicación al ser nombrado de manera directa como director del Sistema de Puentes Internacionales. Por su parte Mario Diaz tiene varios años trabajando en el departamento de Finanzas para la ciudad y tiene experiencia en contabilidad y manejo de finanzas.


-Eagle Pass


City of Eagle Pass Administration has informed The News Gram that Marga Lopez, Director of the International Bridge System has effectively resigned from the position she has held for many years. Lopez turned in her letter of resignation weeks ago according to reports. Her last day will be December 18th. Lopez has worked for the city for seven years where she worked in the office of Economic Development under the late Chad Foster, then she became Interim City Manager and then in 2007, she was named Director of the International Bridge System during the administration of Glen Starnes, then City Manager. Gloria Barrientos, who now holds the position vacated by Daniel Valenzuela, informed The News Gram that her replacement will be Mario Diaz who presently works in the Finance Department as the interim director of said department. He also turned in his letter of resignation in order to be able to take the new job.

X-mas light ceremony held at San Juan Plaza

Saturday, 08 December 2012 16:51 Published in December 2012


-Eagle Pass


The traditional Christmas light ceremony was held at San Juan Plaza on Friday accompanied by Santa Claus and the winners of the essay contest held by the City of Eagle Pass in which three local elementary students were awarded the honor of reading their winning essays before the gathering on a cool autumn evening at one of the original places to enjoy a family outing in our fair city, and it is fitting and proper that we initiate this festive time of the year here year after year. The honorable Ramsey English-Cantú was on hand to oversee the festivities along with his staff of Jorge Sanchez, Parks and Recreation Director, Rosy Aguirre, Assistant Directress, Councilwoman Azalea Cazares and The Honorable Ricardo Santana, Mexican Consulate. The Plaza will remain alight until the first days of January.

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