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David Venegas

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Madera named JP of Pct. 2

Wednesday, 23 January 2013 23:13 Published in January 2013


-Eagle Pass


Dora Madera has been named Justice of the Peace of Precinct 2 in substitution of Cesar Perez who was suspended by order of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct last week. Maverick County Judge David Saucedo informed The News Gram that he had spoken to Madera about the appointment and she was called in on Tuesday to be sworn in. Madera is familiar with the function of said office as she has previously worked for JP Tere Melendrez in Precinct 4. She even ran for the position three years ago and lost to Perez in that election. According to sources, Madera will remain in said position until Perez' legal matters are cleared and if and when he is permitted to return.

Preparan los Proyectos para el MCJLS 2013

Tuesday, 15 January 2013 21:40 Published in January 2013

Los organizadores del Maverick County Junior Livestock Show 2013 han dado a conocer que este año serán presentados casi 500 proyectos en las categorías: becerros, de ganados porcino, cabras y borregos. Sandra Ruiz, que forma parte del comité organizador, dijo que el evento se realizará del 20 al 26 de enero en los terrenos del lago del Condado de Maverick, y la entrada es gratuita. Cientos de niños y jóvenes de Eagle Pass se preparan para participar con sus proyectos de crianza. El 20 de enero a las 3 de la tarde en el lago del condado será el evento para elegir a las Reinas de Belleza del Evento. Informó que el martes 22 de enero a las 8 de la mañana el Desayuno Vaquero donde participan autoridades locales. Y del 24 al 26 de enero la exhibición y venta de los animales. Durante el desayuno Vaquero se dará una mención especial a Jesus Chuy Sanchez que a finales del 2012 falleció víctima de cáncer, esta persona fue uno de los mas entusiastas organizadores del evento, por varios años y se le recuerda con aprecio. Sandra Ruiz pidió a la comunidad asistir y apoyar el evento, sobre todo para beneficio de los niños y jóvenes participantes.

Preparations being made for 2013 MCJLS

Tuesday, 15 January 2013 21:37 Published in January 2013




-Eagle Pass



Organizers for the 2013 Maverick County Junior Livestock Show are busy making preparations for the approximately 500 projects ranging from steers, hogs, goats and lambs. Sandra Ruiz, who is a member of the organizational committee, informed The News Gram that the event will be held from January 20th through the 26th at the Maverick County Fairgrounds. Admission is free. Hundreds of children and teenagers are preparing to show their projects and hoping to participate in the auctions. The MCJLS Queen Pageant will be held on January 20th at 3:00 P.M. The Traditional Cowboy Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, January 22nd at 8:00 A.M. where local dignitaries are invited to attend.

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