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The Maverick County Commissioner's Court held a special meeting to discuss and possibly approve the hiring of additional employees for the County Tax Assessor Collector’s office.
After discussing the issue the court voted in favor of hiring two additional employees to assist in that office.

Published in April 2018

Jose G. Landa
Staff writer

Maverick County Commissioners Court discussed the long lines and wait times being seen at the Tax Assessor office with Collector Isamari S. Villarreal during their meeting held on Monday March , 12.
 County Judge David Saucedo opened up the issue for discussion.

Published in March 2018
Friday, 12 January 2018 21:25

Iracheta takes oath of office

Jose G. Landa
Staff Writer

Newly appointed Maverick County Attorney Jaime (JA) Iracheta was given his oath of office by Maverick County Judge David R. Saucedo on Wednesday January 10 at the Maverick County courthouse . Iracheta was accompanied by his family and supporters during his swearing in.

Published in January 2018

Press Release


The 293rd Judicial District Attorney’s Office, District Attorney Roberto Serna, Eagle Pass Police Department, Maverick County Sheriff’s Office, and the Border Prosecution Unit will be hosting a free one-day training for law enforcement on warrantless search and seizure on Tuesday, November 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the ICT Center.

Published in October 2017
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