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Fue hace once años, precisamente un martes 24 de abril del 2007 cuando un tornado devastó las ciudades de Eagle Pass y Piedras Negras, causando destrucción, muerte y desolación, en sectores habitados de las dos comunidades fronterizas, donde las auto-ridades de ambas poblaciones tuvieron que habilitar refugios temporales, para asilar a numerosas familias que se quedaron sin hogar.

Published in April 2018
Wednesday, 11 April 2018 15:05

April is sexual assault awareness month

Sexual assaults are a serious matter and are highlighted even more during the month of April which is designated across the nation to bring awareness to the problem.

Published in April 2018
Friday, 06 April 2018 20:51

EPPD respond to a distracted driver call

Distracted driving is a dangerous issue that is often caused by various things including texting while driving or any use of a communication device, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics including prescribed medications.

Published in April 2018
Thursday, 05 April 2018 16:04

April is Distracted Driving Awareness month

The month of April is designated as Distracted Driving Awareness month throughout the nation including in Maverick County. 
Every year the problem of accidents and deaths caused by distracted drivers continues to rise with more people dying senselessly on Texas roads due to distracted driving. Information from the state shows that 1 out of every 5 traffic crashes in Texas is caused by a distracted driver.

Published in April 2018

The month of April is designated across the United States as Sexual Assault Awareness Month as such issue claims and counts of victims throughout every walk of life.

National statistics show that throughout the U. S. one in five women and one in fifty nine men have been raped or sexually assaulted through their lifetime.

Published in May 2013
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